Name G3 Ammo ShortName g3Ammo Model Bullet //Colour of icon and model Colour 255 255 255 ItemID 23814 Icon G3Ammo //How affected by gravity the bullet is FallSpeed 1 //The number of rounds each item has. Limited to 32000. RoundsPerItem 20 //The damage multiplier caused by the bullet on hitting an entity Damage 1 //Size of explosion caused Explosion 0 //True if bullet explodes on hitting anything. Fuse denotes the maximum time it may spend in the air before detonating ExplodeOnImpact False Fuse 0 FlakParticles 0 //Amount of fire to spread on exploding; for each increment, it will increase the dimensions of the burning area by 2. i.e. 1 will burn a 3x3 square, 2 will burn a 5x5 square Fire 0 BreaksGlass True //Size of box to check for entities to hit / detonate HitBoxSize 0.1 HitSound bullet //Whether or not the bullet can travel through an entity having hit it Penetrates True SmokeTrail False